
Believe in a better
recruitment experience.

We have the tools you need to get the participants you need successfully enrolled. Our suite of recruitment-enabling software empowers both sites and participants to navigate enrollment into clinical trials with unmatched ease and clarity.

Uniquely personalized paths, universally exceptional experiences

Every protocol, every site, and every participant is different. Curebase offers flexible configurability to handle recruitment workflows at the site, in remote settings, and everything in-between.

Direct-to-participant recruitment

Customized study landing pages, protocol-specific pre-screening questionnaires and communication workflows ensure qualified candidates stay interested, and engaged throughout the entire recruitment process, wherever they may reside. 

Site-based recruitment

Optimize on-site recruitment with simple and easy participant signup and pre-screening. Leverage tailored recruitment dashboards to track candidate progress throughout the funnel and identify areas for optimization.


Why choose Curebase Recruit?

User Experience at the Core

Treat your study to a platform that participants and staff not only need but enjoy using.

Pre-Screening Processes

Optimize every step, from discovery to consent, for efficiency and ease.

Decentralized Flexibility

Embrace the future with a platform built to improve virtual, hybrid and traditional trial recruitment models.

Real-Time Tracking

Stay informed with a dynamic dashboard that tracks participant progress.

Experience a seamless
journey into clinical studies